In 2013 we started down a new and scary path, developing a non-profit, working to end the years of "lip service" to this very real and important subject - The systematic erosion of the Technical Hands-on Learning in our Public Schools.
WHY 4R's - The Four R's mean family, in 2004 our little family grew to 6 as we adopted our niece and nephew. With 4 kids we needed a surefire way to call them quickly, since day one we have called all our kids, the 4R's! Today our kids are becoming adults, two in college, one working in the agriculture industry, and one heading to a post-secondary vocational school.
We have always worked tirelessly for the 4R's, today and tomorrow will be no different - Annette Rogers, ED/CEO of Tools 4R Schools.
Our vision
help in the development and creation of well-educated and skilled individuals
able to continue building our nation. We will see this, by affording Public
Schools the modern tools and equipment needed to teach students technical
skills through hands-on learning.
For generations, technical hands-on learning classes and whole programs have been disappearing from our nations education system. Everyone has been complaining and talking about it for years, as the graduation rates have declined and students are coming out of school unable to use basic tools.
Our nations education system is teaching our children how to take and pass tests, students aren't being taught to work with their hands or that they are able to make a living-wage doing so. As such, the recent generations have fallen short of learning a work ethic, the ability to fix instead of buying or to critically think to solve problems on the fly. Children today are missing out on the life lessons, technical hands-on learning classes taught past generations!
Nearly half of all high school students we talked to described themselves as not doing well in the academic lecturing environment and/or they don’t test well, "it just isn’t the way they learn". Over half of those individuals said that having technical hands-on learning classes or programs available to them in some form made going to school bearable. Most of the other half said that, had a technical hands-on learning class or program been available to them, they would have been more agreeable to stay in school or at least made an effort to do so, instead of dropping out of High School.
It is fact, that students able to engage in technical hands-on learning classes and programs graduate at rates in the 90 percentile, where students with none of these classes available to them, graduate at rates in the low 70% range. The numbers for these students that go on to some kind of post-secondary schooling is also increased when they have technical hands-on learning available to them. Our Nation has millions of unfilled jobs, jobs that unless filled will be more likely to leave our shores, jobs that can be filled and sustained (even added to) when our children are taught the skills and abilities found in technical hands-on learning classes!